Sunday, February 20, 2011

Let's GROW together!
The purpose of this blogsite is to provide teachers with easy access to Web tools that can be used to enhance "Essential Standards" lessons that will engage students with activities and projects beyond the hours of the regular school day, such as in this xtranormal video posted on SchoolTube about cloud computing

Click here to view cloud computing video hosted on 4Shared
Technology for management: The content of this video is what you are already learning to do. Our "Tech Champs" have been modeling an electronic application, skill, strategy, or lesson. Their demonstrations usually involved Blackboard, Aeries, or a Google tool because these are the most necessary Web tools for basic classroom management such as assigning and collecting tasks, grading, and attendance.
Technology for lesson engagement: But the video as a Web 2.0 tool shows how to take technology beyond the usual online classroom and lesson management tools. (I can hear you saying. "I don't have time...") The learning curve and time-challenge can be met as we provide support services and individualized or department training to best meet your needs.

Viewing this video in the CMS Library shows what kids do naturally: collaborate! It is therefore suggested that you assign technology tasks to students in partners or groups and let them figure out how to do it. It is actually very true that we do not always have to know everything that we teach.


Why bother with Web 2.0 tools for teaching?  

A Vision of the 21st Century Learner
Click here to view this video